
CMYK┼CMYK┼2007피스컵 코리아 조직위원회 위원장 인사말2007 피스컵 코리아 개막식 축사선문평화축구재단 주최로 열리는 본 대회는 대륙을 대표하는명문 클럽들이 참가하여 축구를 통한 인류 화합과평화의 메시지를 전 세계인의 가슴에 심을 것입니다.축구를 사랑하는 전 세계의 축구팬, 참석한구단과선수, 축구관계자, 그리고언론방송관계자여러분!역사적인 2007 피스컵코리아대회가개막을눈앞에두고있습니다. 선문평화축구재단주최로열리는본대회는대륙을 대표하는 명문 클럽들이 참가하여 축구를 통한 인류 화합과 평화의 메시지를전 세계인의 가슴에 심을 것입니다.2003, 2005년대회에이어3회를맞이하는2007피스컵대회는FIFA, 대한축구협회, 그리고세계축구계인사들의긴밀한 협력과 성원에 의해 세계인이 사랑하는 축구축제로 발전하고 있습니다.본 대회의 수익금은 분재, 빈곤, 질병등으로고통받고있는전세계유소년들을위해쓰일것이며, 인종이념국가상업적 이익을 뛰어넘어 세계는 한 가정, 인류는한형제임을축구를통해공유할것입니다.피스컵 대회의 성공적인 개막이 있기까지 성원해 주신 모든 분들에게 감사드립니다. 본대회에참석한구단과선수 여러분들에게 평화를 위한 축구축제에 참가한 보람과 승리의 환희가 함께 하기를 기원합니다. 감사합니다.2007피스컵코리아대회조직위원장곽정환축구팬 여러분,곽정환위원장님을비롯한조직위원회관계자여러분,2007 피스컵코리아를위해멀리서오신선수단임원여러분, 언론사기자여러분, 그리고내외귀빈여러분,반갑습니다. 오늘2007 피스컵코리아의개막식을갖게된것을기쁘게생각합니다.피스컵대회는지난2002 한일월드컵의성공적개최이후2003년부터격년으로세계각국의명문축구클럽이참가하여 우리나라 프로축구의 발전은 물론 세계의 축구팬들이 관심 있게 지켜보는 대회로 성장했습니다.지난해는 처음으로 여자대회도 성공적으로 개최하여 흥미를 더했습니다.2007 피스컵코리아는오늘부터21일까지서울을포함한7개도시에서열리며, 성남일화를비롯하여설기현선수가 뛰는 레딩FC 등국내외의8개명문클럽팀이참가하여흥미로울것으로기대합니다.이번대회가성공적으로개최되어K리그등국내축구의열기로확산되기를바랍니다.한국축구가발전하려면각급리그제가정착되어야합니다. 축구인들의협조로K-리그, 내셔널리그, K3리그등이진행되고있는데보다많은축구팬들의관심이있어야겠습니다.또피스컵대회같은중요한대회가자주열리기를기대합니다.오늘개막식을찾아와주신축구팬및언론사기자, 축구관계자들께서조금더관심을갖고피스컵대회가성공적인 대회로 평가받을 수 있도록 다함께 노력하기를 기대합니다.한국축구발전에애써주시는선문평화축구재단과대회조직위원회관계자여러분들에게감사드리며, 다시한번2007 피스컵코리아의개막을축하드립니다.대한축구협회장정몽준Welcoming MessageI would like to express my greetings to all football fans, Mr. ChungHwan Kwak, the chairman of Peace Cup Organizing Committee, itsboard members, staffs and officers from each team who have made along trip to attend 2007 Peace Cup Korea, press and journalists,distinguished ladies and gentlemen.I am happy to have the opening ceremony of 2007 Peace Cup Koreatoday. After World Cup 2002's success, Peace Cup has been growingas an event where distinguished club teams around the globeparticipate in a biannual competition that contributes to thedevelopment of Korean professional football since 2003. This eventhas also attracted many of the fans worldwide. Peace Queen Cup, awomen's football competition was held for the first time last year andit ended with great success.Starting today until 21st, 2007 Peace Cup competitions will be held in 7different cities including Seoul. Eight excellent club teams around theworld will be participating in this exciting competition with highexpectations. These 8 teams include club teams such SungnamIlhwa, and Reading FC for which Gi Hyun Seol plays.I hope that this event is diffused among K-league and our nationalfootball with success.Mong Joon Jung,Chairman of Korea Football AssociationIn order for Korean football to develop to a higher level, each leaguemust be fully established. With support from football associates, wehave been able to make progresses in K-League, National League andK3 League, but I feel they need more attention and interests fromfootball fans. I also hope that a significant event like Peace Cup canbe held more often.I hope that football fans, football associates, journalists and everyoneelse who is attending the opening ceremony today can really worktogether to make Peace Cup a successful event.I am grateful to Sunmoon Peace Football Foundation and Peace CupOrganizing Committee who have been putting so much effort in theprogress of Korean football, and once again, I would like tocongratulate the opening of 2007 Peace Cup Korea.2007 Peace Cup Korea Congratulatory AddressI would like to express my greetings to all football fans, Mr. ChungHwan Kwak, the chairman of Peace Cup Organizing Committee, itsboard members, staffs and officers from each team who have made along trip to attend 2007 Peace Cup Korea, press and journalists,distinguished ladies and gentlemen.I am happy to have the opening ceremony of 2007 Peace Cup Koreatoday. After World Cup 2002's success, Peace Cup has been growingas an event where distinguished club teams around the globeparticipate in a biannual competition that contributes to thedevelopment of Korean professional football since 2003. This eventhas also attracted many of the fans worldwide. Peace Queen Cup, awomen's football competition was held for the first time last year andit ended with great success.Starting today until 21st, 2007 Peace Cup competitions will be held in 7different cities including Seoul. Eight excellent club teams around theworld will be participating in this exciting competition with highexpectations. These 8 teams include club teams such SungnamIlhwa, and Reading FC for which Gi Hyun Seol plays.I hope that this event is diffused among K-league and our nationalfootball with success.Mong Joon Jung,Chairman of Korea Football AssociationIn order for Korean football to develop to a higher level, each leaguemust be fully established. With support from football associates, wehave been able to make progresses in K-League, National League andK3 League, but I feel they need more attention and interests fromfootball fans. I also hope that a significant event like Peace Cup canbe held more often.I hope that football fans, football associates, journalists and everyoneelse who is attending the opening ceremony today can really worktogether to make Peace Cup a successful event.I am grateful to Sunmoon Peace Football Foundation and Peace CupOrganizing Committee who have been putting so much effort in theprogress of Korean football, and once again, I would like tocongratulate the opening of 2007 Peace Cup Korea.2 0 0 7 PEACE CUP KOREA05